< Alle Themen

Registration in meDme (EN)

Login window

If you have never used meDme before, you can click [Create a meDme account] in the login window below to register as a user:

Register as

There are three user roles to choose from. You can register as:

  • Student (Human Medicine)*
  • Doctoral candidate (**
  • Other (hospital employee, guest, etc.)

* Note: If you are a Student you don’t need to start self-registration, as you will automatically receive a meDme account after you enroll at the University of Basel and pay the semester fees.

** If you would like to register as a Doctoral Candidate ( please follow this Link.

First name, last name, email

If you want to create an account as [Other (hospital employee, guest, etc.)], click the corresponding button, fill in all input fields and confirm with the button [Submit]

After that, you will receive a link on the previously entered email address that will allow you to proceed with meDme registration process. Please note that the link is valid for 7 Days.

Warning Email

Note, if account already exists:
If the email address you entered, or the combination of first namelast name and date of birth already exists in the system, you will get a warning message. This means that an account with the same data already exists in meDme and you will be suggested to restore access to your account using the „Reset password“ option. To do this, click on [Yes] and follow the instructions of the „Wizard“.

Profile Information

With the link you received per Email, you will be redirected to the meDme registration process. Fill in the mandatory fields (*)  and be extra attentive when selecting the IdM role.
Depending on which category (role) you choose, you will be assigned appropriate licenses.
When you are done filling in all the fields, please click on [Next] in the bottom right corner to proceed to the next step.

Profile picture

On the UniCard page you can add your profile photo and determine whether you want it to be displayed only within the meDme system or whether it should also be visible on the intranet or internet.

Internet – the public Search page of the Univercity
IntranetPeople Search, which can be used only if you have registered with your Unibas e-mail address.

Request UniCard

In addition, you can also request UniCard on the same page by moving the slider [Submit Unicard request] to the right.

The profile photo and the Unicard photo are independent of each other. There are different requirements for the Unicard photo. You can find them here.


In the next step, you should assign yourself a role in Employer.

If you are not assigned to any institution, then the creation of the Unibas email address is not possible for you. If you want to get an Unibas account and UniCard, you should assign yourself to an institution. To do this, click on [Assign]

Functional description

Once you have assigned yourself to an Employer, you can define how long this role should be valid; whether it should be published on the Easyweb site, and if yes, in which order it should be displayed.

Unable to choose a role

If you do not know to which facility you should assign yourself, activate the selection box at the bottom of the screen. This will display an input field where you can leave a note for the registration checker. Please provide there any information that might help the registration reviewer to match you to the correct employer. After that, click on [Next] in the bottom right corner to proceed with the registration.

Research and Teaching

The same principle is used to fill in Research and Teaching sections.
If you are scientifically active in an official research group or a research department/institute that belongs to or is affiliated with the University of Basel – please navigate to the corresponding research group and fill in your role there.

If you are involved in teaching at the University of Basel, please navigate to the corresponding subject/chair and enter your role there. Select the subject in which you have completed your doctorate or habilitation.

If you cannot associate yourself – check the checkbox at the bottom of the screen and leave a message for the registration reviewer. Then click on [Next] in the bottom right corner to proceed with registration.

Registration Reviewer

In this step you specify who should review and approve your registration. The suggested registration reviewers will be displayed based on the structures you have previously selected. If you uncheck the [People responsible for my request] box, you will see all registration reviewers from the entire system. You can select up to three registration reviewers.

Submit request

In the last step [Submit request] you have a short overview of all data you’ve filled in the previous steps.

In addition, you will find the correspondence address on the right side, see the next section in the instructions. 

If you have changed your decision, and you want to change the order of your role in the institution, you can do it here

If you uncheck [Publish to easyWeb], your role will not be displayed in the [Setup] on the Easyweb page.

Please note that no further changes can be made in steps 1 – 6 on this page. If you want to correct or delete something, return to the corresponding step. 


Correspondence address

Your private address is displayed as a correspondence address, by default. If you have entered one or more business addresses in [Research] or [Teaching], you can click on [Address] here and select the correspondence address, that you want to use.


If you want to use a forwarding from your Unibas email address to another email address, just add it manually or click on [Use my contact email] and it will be applied.


When you have checked all your data and are sure that everything is correct, click [Register] in the lower right corner. Your request will be processed by the registration reviewer, and you will receive a notification Email as soon as it will be approved. You will also find in this Email your login credentials for meDme. 